thesalting SPOTLIGHT: stacy london: our very first meeting had it all: we laughed, we cried, we styled. you attended our third collection launch with nitika chopra, a cherished memory. thank you for your support, advice and energy.
1. it seems you've been knee deep in landscaping and nesting lately! love hearing that. how's it all going?
Well I feel like we’ve all been nesting involuntarily in one way or another during these tough times! But after looking for 7 years, I did finally buy a small house upstate and the first order of business was to plant trees. Lots of them. They will mostly go dormant now that winter is coming but I’m so looking forward to seeing them emerge in the Spring. It was the most hopeful, inspiring activity I’ve done, aside from helping get out the word to vote this year like your life depends on it.
2. we've watched a few of your podcasts where people call in for styling tips and advice, how has this "virtual styling" been for you as our nation has been on lockdown. have you enjoyed this facet of the "new normal"?
Answering style questions on InstaLive was just an idea I had. We were all stuck inside and I just wanted to CONNECT with people. It felt like a easy fun way to do just that. As things have started to open back up a bit, my time is slightly more limited but I’m hoping this is something I can continue to do. I’m working with Cameo so that people can book one-on-one appointments with me. It’s the way of the future I suppose.
3. as a young brand, we've had to adapt to changing landscapes in consumerism, communication, customer service...it seems you are doing the very same. any advice? have you been surprised by any of your successes in these new waters?
I think all brands have to adapt to these new circumstances and it’s an incredible opportunity to get to know and expand your consumer base directly. Getting input from the consumer is essential. They want to be heard and the brands that listen are going to reap those rewards. For however difficult this year has been, there’s so much to be learned from it: we are watching our wallets so when we buy things we want to know more about them. Things like transparent supply chains, fair wages, sustainability, quality workmanship have absolutely taken center stage. This doesn’t come as a surprise to me because my job as a stylist has always been to listen to a client’s needs and meet them.
4. please tell us about @small_beautiful_things. have you had to adapt this concept during the pandemic?
I have always been an object collector. Combing flea markets and thrift stores borders on being an obsession for me. I don’t trust people who have no tchotchkes. I do believe in the de-clutter movement but not to the extent that your personal and precious environment becomes sterile. My girlfriend and I started @small_beautiful_things_ny for that very reason. And it’s why we specialize in vintage (Victorian to the 1980s) because we believe in sustainability and finding unique pieces for our customers. It started as an idea to have an environmental, interactive shopping experience, usually in apartments that are for sale, but the pandemic took that part out of the equation for now. We simply set up our Insta account and have a pretty robust following. Even though we formed the company a year before, we’ve seen more people buying during this time precisely because they are nesting and finding joy in how they decorate their surroundings.
5. do you cook?? specialty?
I wouldn’t say I cook but I make damn fine martinis. Gin with olives or lemon. Take your pick.
6. movies are a huge source of inspiration for thesalting. your 3 favorite movies?
Oh I have so many favorites. And it depends what they are for. In terms of style, In The Mood For Love wins hands down. But I love the red dress both Angelica Houston and Annette Bening wore in The Grifters. Diane Keaton’s whole wardrobe in Something’s Gotta Give is spot on chic. Diana Rigg and Jane Birkin in Evil Under The Sun. Genius.
70s drama and 80s thrillers are also huge faves.
Lars and The Real Girl is one of those movies that makes my heart burst with how beautiful and weird humanity can be.
(Same goes for Ted Lasso on Apple+ even though that’s not technically a film.)
7. you have used your voice to seriously get the message out about voting (THANK YOU FOR THAT btw). how did you get involved with #iamavoter?
My friend Erica Domesek introduced me to Mandana Dayani, the founder, and that was all she wrote. I was hooked. Her vision is what made this entire campaign soar. She’s a force of nature and one of the kindest people I’ve ever met.
8. what's your opinion on what we are doing here at thesalting? taking on unisex clothing with an emphasis on craft/ made in america?
Well I love everything about thesalting. The ease and simplicity of the style.
Also, See answer #3?
9. globally, which 3 fashion designers have inspired you most and why? do you have a number one, all time favorite collection/ season that just "did it" for you, from a styling point of view?
I would say Tom Ford, Phoebe Philo, Yoshi Yamamoto and Duro Olowu (I know that’s 4, don’t make me choose!) are probably my all time faves. They are each so distinct and yet so cognizant of women’s desire for beauty and comfort and confidence. I would have to go back and look for specific collections but 90s Tom Ford Gucci: his red velvet suit on Gwyneth. His emerald green silk dress on Demi Moore. They both blew my head off.
10. congratulations on your first book, THE TRUTH ABOUT STYLE, did you enjoy the process of writing a book and will there be another?
Actually that was my second book but the first solo one. I wrote Dress Your Best with my ex co-host from What Not To Wear. Writing a book is HARD. I wouldn’t say I enjoy it. I’ve been working on one for the last 5 years and still don’t feel it’s coming out right. But stay tuned! One day!
11. 3 favorite books?
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Untamed by Glennon Doyle
ANYthing by Tania French (she’s an Irish murder mystery author)
12. you have such a powerful voice and heart. what is getting your attention lately? meaning, where are you placing your energy?
I’ve mostly been placing my energy on mental health. Mine, those I love, and those I can reach. This has been a stressful, painful time. So much loss of life, loss of income, loss of normalcy. We need to be there for each other however we can. It’s essential that we find common ground in order to move forward into the future.
13. how do you erase hate in your daily life?
Ahhh. That’s a tough one. I suppose I erase it by acknowledging that it’s there and trying to find compassion in a way to find connection. Doesn’t always work, but I try.
14. we often ask questions pertaining to NYC.....3 favorite new york restaurants? are they still standing (we only hope!)
Raoul’s (forever!)
RAO’s (forever!)
Frankie’s 457 (forever!)
They are all still standing, thankfully. And if they weren’t, I’d hold them up myself.
15. last movie you've seen in an actual movie theater?
I honestly cannot remember!
16. same question for broadway/ theater?
Medea with Rose Byrne and Bobby Cannevale at BAM. It was exquisite.
17. what is the very first thing you dream of doing whenever the country safely re-opens?
Traveling. No question. I’m keeping a list of all the places I want to go because if nothing else, this pandemic has taught me how short and precious our lives are. I want to see as much of the beauty in this world that I can. That feeling has never been more pronounced for me now that it isn’t a freedom we can enjoy effortlessly.